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Raging storm, deep in the wild, you're nestled in your shelter for the night
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In Wilderness Cave Amid Storm
Through deep tangles of trees and foliage you'd discovered and made your shelter of a small cave...
As the storm builds outside, you're reassured by your pile of firewood and the healthily popping fire keeping you, nestled on your carefully woven bed mat, warm and dry. Its comforting glow illuminates your stone surroundings, as well as the securely-hewn wall of branch and leaf you constructed to protect the lone opening of your refuge. Rain shudders the leafy canopy overheard as thunder rumbles a stormy sky's threat; as fat water drops and tree debris pelt the outer barriers of your shelter, you contentedly listen to the agitated tempest outside, protected in your cozy cave.
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License details for "In Wilderness Cave Amid Storm"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Drizzle on Leaves with Breeze by -k-is_the_author +)
- deciduous trees,wind Jonsered by Agnese Priekule +)
- Canopy Rain by eardeer; +)
- Hail on Wood Roof by +)
- Thunder Massive by Massive Song +)
- Slow log fire with some pops by Nicolle Melanson-Powell +)
- Close lightning by RHumphries from +)
- Mountain Wind Ambience by Taira Komori's Japanese Free Sound Effects: +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License